Claims & Forms Notification Of Death Notification Of Withdrawal Notification Of Retirement Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 4THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER & MEMBER’S DEPENDENTName of Fund/SchemeA) MEMBER DETAILS Full Name *Date Of Birth *Marital Status: *MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowed National identity number *Employee Ref No :Date of joining Fund: *Date of death: *Date last actively at work: *Month of last contribution: *Next DEPENDANTS’ DETAILS Details of Dependants/Beneficiaries to receive benefit in terms of the Rules or Board of Trustees Resolution:Spouse/s name(s)Date Of BirthChildren Names & Date of Birth1. Name Surname, Day.Month.Year 2. Name Surname, Day.Month.YearOther dependants1. Name Surname, Day.Month.Year, relationship 2. Name Surname, Day.Month.Year, relationshipIf no dependants exist and payment is to be made to the deceased’s estate, please state name and address of Executor or Administrator of the deceased’s estate: NextPAYMENT INSTRUCTION (attach bank details confirmation eg copy of bank statement, bank card reflecting account number, bank letter etc) Name of Bank / Building SocietyBranch Account Number Contact address NextPlease attach the following documents in respect of this claim and mark with a tick to show those attached.Original Certificate of Death | Proof of age of Spouse and Dependent Children (under the age of 18 or 23 years if in full time education) | Proof of marriage (where applicable) | Letters of Administration (where applicable) | Letters of Administration (where applicable) * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. NB. Proof of age must be submitted in the form of Birth Certificate, National Registration Card, Drivers Licence or PassportEmailSubmit Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Notification Off Withdrawal – Step 1 of 3THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER & MEMBER’S DEPENDENTName of Pension Fund/SchemeTHIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER & MEMBER’S DEPENDENTTitle *MrMrsMsFirst name(s) *Surname *National identity numberDate of Birth Employee Ref NoDate of Joining FundDate of WithdrawalMonth of Last Contribution Salary as at Withdrawal DateNextREASON FOR WITHDRAWALREASON FOR WITHDRAWAL ( tick the applicable )Voluntary ResignationRetrenchmentDismissalRefund of contributions to be ( tick the prefered option)Paid As CashTransferred to other Fund PreservedIf ‘transferred’ state name of Fund and Underwriters of the FundNextMEMBER’S CONTACT DETAILS AND PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONSResidential/postal address Telephone / mobile numbers E-mail address *Name of bank/ Building SocietyBranchAccount numberAttach bank details confirmation eg copy of bank statement , bank card reflecting account number, bank letter etc Click or drag a file to this area to upload. MessageSubmit Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 4THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER & MEMBER’S DEPENDENTName of Fund/SchemeA) MEMBER DETAILS TitleMrMrsMissFull Name *Date Of Birth *Marital Status: *MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowed National identity number *Employee Ref No :Date of joining Fund: *Please attach the following documents: Member’s and spouse’s or dependent’s ceritified copy of National Registration Card / Passport/ Driver’s licence) / Certified copy of marriage certificate * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Next DEPENDANTS’ DETAILS Details of Dependants/Beneficiaries to receive benefit in terms of the Rules or Board of Trustees Resolution:Type Of RetirementHealthEarlyNormalLateDate of Retirement:Month of Last Contribution:Pensionable Salary at date of retirementMember’s options:Full pension without commutation OR 1 /3 Cash Commutation plus balance pension NextPAYMENT INSTRUCTION (attach bank details confirmation eg copy of bank statement, bank card reflecting account number, bank letter etc) Name of Bank / Building SocietyBranch Account Number Attach bank account confirmation eg copy of bank statement, bank card reflecting account number, bank letter etc * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. NextAddressMobile numberE-mail address EmailSubmit testing Name Send