About Us
First Mutual Holdings Limited is a leading non-banking financial services group that is committed to creating value through risk management, wealth creation and wealth management predominantly in the insurance sector.
The Group has more than a hundred years of serving Zimbabwe by provision of economic dignity though its strategic business units. We have diverse interests in life assurance, health insurance, health services, short term insurance; short term re-insurance; long term re-insurance; wealth management, property sector, funeral services and microfinance housed under the following subsidiaries; First Mutual Life, First Mutual Health, NicozDiamond Insurance, Diamond Seguros (Mozambique),United General Insurance – UGI (Malawi), First Mutual Reinsurance, FMRE Property & Casualty (Botswana) First Mutual Wealth Management, First Mutual Properties, First Mutual Funeral Services and First Mutual Microfinance

First Mutual Holdings Limited seeks to strategically position its strategic business units as preferred service providers through focusing on service delivery, process efficiency, innovation, product relevance, customer service and balance sheet strength. The Group places great emphasis on the recruitment, training and retention of quality skills; and harnessing of efficient information technology platforms complemented by a strong capital base. The Group will continue to examine trends in the African economies with the expectation of developing sub-Saharan opportunities and converting them to increased business for the company using existing Group synergies to maximum advantage.

Our Vision
To be a leader in our chosen markets by providing superior returns to all our stakeholders, ensuring stability, security and growth.

Our Mission
To be an investment and financial services group that provides accessible solutions which offer peace of mind and enrich the lives of all households, communities and businesses in our chosen markets by managing risk, creating and managing wealth.
Our Values

We are true to self and true to others

We take responsibility for our actions

We display expert competence in the way we do business

We believe in continuance and preservation for future generations

We show concern and seek the well-being of all our stakeholders

We strive for creativity and relevance to our market